Our Ministries
In Christianity, ministry is an activity carried out by Christians to express or spread their faith, the prototype being the Great Commission. At Mount Horeb we have four distinctive ministries in the form of departments: Children's Sunday school, Youth Department, Women's Department and the Brotherhood Department. Scroll down for further information about the work and purpose of each department.
Sunday School
Mount Horeb Children's Sunday school involves bible crafts, Christian activities, object lessons, stories, games and much more. Spiritual transformation happens when kids come to know Jesus, rather than just know about Jesus. Our job is to prepare the soil of kids’ hearts so seeds of faith can grow, and a true relationship with Jesus can happen. God-centered children's Sunday school is fuelled by a biblical vision for worship, biblical literacy, and faith in the next generation. It involves the willing participation of our pastor, parents and our congregation in an earnest effort to proclaim the praiseworthy name and testimony of the Lord to children of all ages. Here, at Mount Horeb Apostolic Church we run activities, basic bible classes and discussions as well as church trips and fun days. We ensure that the children feel as though they can be free thinking, expressive and inquisitive when it comes to understanding God and His Word. We uncover and unravel the truth of His existence and the charge he ha placed on all our lives as well as the basic principles of salvation from an early age.
Mount Horeb YPDept Goals-Theme for the duration is “getting real with God”. We want to be at stage where we can be real so that God can deal with us and all the issues we face. This is so that ultimately we can know him in ways we never knew before and thus get deeper in our relationship with Him and truly worship him properly. Getting real with God is designed to challenge us to examine ourselves and ask “where am I in reference to my relationship with God? Where should I be? What do I need to change in my life?” This is also designed to cause development in each of the youth over the next 2 years.The YP will be in operation every other Friday and the 4th Sunday of the month. To encourage, strengthen, involve and develop the youth we shall;-Worship. We will have services on Friday that consist of worship/ tarrying (no preaching, no structure, just worship). This is designed to help those without the Holy Ghost have an environment where they can receive.-Bible Quizzes. This will be held to involve all youth regardless
of age where they can share and increase their knowledge of the Word of God. It is also used to ensure the youth are having a good time in God rather than feeling bored and/or uninvolved.-Watching DVDs. We shall as previously done watch various material to enlighten youth regarding various subject areas. This is designed to give youth more knowledge about the world we live in as “my people perish for a lack of knowledge”.
MHC Women's Dept is very productive and focused force in Mount Horeb. We are so motivated on enhancing the whole woman and every woman in our congregation. We feel it's not about molding the next preacher or teacher or singer but in molding a true worshipper who will do whatsoever the Lord says with ALL her heart , mind and soul... we are not encouragers of competing with the brothers as that is not a God designed agenda, rather we aim to walk beside our brothers completmenting them as they do us...
We have held ;
Prayer and praise breakfast
Harvest event /food bank support helping those in need.
Ladies cream tea day out
Cake bake sale and competition
Women's rally in aid of our building fund
Prayerband (with our prayer partners)
​What's to come ;
Another prayer and praise breakfast
women's gala dinner
Health day
TLC Ladies Spa Day
and so much more...
Women are mostly very very nurturing and productive, we aim to
maximise this ability encouraging and inspiring our Sisters to be hard
workers for the Lord, to be the prayer warriors, be the wise advisor,be the encourager and be the one whose strong in the Lord and the power of his might....
Info to Come...
We are involved in supporting our local food banks and soup kitchens, we collect items from members regularly to help those in need. We also do regular street ministry sharing the word and inviting to church. We minister every Good Friday with the West Bromwich churches in West Bromwich High Street. Every 5th Sunday we have community dinners where we feed all that come for free. Our Pastor is passionate about helping others and often teaches and practises giving to others.